Saturday, 27 November 2010

session 7

With half of the body done all that's needed is adding symmerty and texture. I've added another sphere to create the hair of the character. That's all for now I'm gona focus on 3D level design for now.

Friday, 26 November 2010

week 9

Added a few extras, well extras that actually play a big part of my level. Terrain and skybox added to show that the character is outside when reached the outdoor part of the level. GUI is also added to tell the player what the to do within the game. 'Plant C4' is one of the objectives, however I didn't actually add a spot to place it so the player may get so confused of where to plant it. I would've added it if i had enough time to do so. So for now it is to get it tested and explain why there isn't a spot to place it.

Saturday, 20 November 2010

session 6

With most of the body is done, I added a few polygons to attach the limbs together creating the armpits, crotch and backside of the character. I never knew modelling the backside would be so difficult because the polygons become quite squashed together and it was hard to find them and delete. However I managed to do it so I moved on to the head. I started off with a sphere, realising that it would be hard to add the facial features later on I still carried on as time wasn't getting along with me.

Friday, 19 November 2010

week 8

I've added environmental objects to kind of show what kind of building or room it is. Stairs for the character to get to the levels above. Sliding doors which animated to slide open when a trigger point is passed through. Helipad and fences on the outdoor part of the level were also placed. These objects are all created using 3DS Max except the helipad as that's just from using a cube in Unity.

Saturday, 13 November 2010

session 5

Same technique was used to create the hand but this time it is the foot. Nothing much to say, it's pretty much a box and then agen extuded moved a few vertices and attach to the leg.

Friday, 12 November 2010

week 7

Haven't done much during this week as I focused more on the 3D character modelling, however i managed to add lighting into the level which is can be done in just 10 minutes. Placing them around the corridors and set the colour as red to show that the building is on alert.

Saturday, 6 November 2010

session 4

Limbs were done so I move on to the hand. I started off with a box and just extruded edges. Nothing complicated just basic modelling. With the basic box it is already done the back and palm part of a hand, all I had to do was just create the fingers and thumb and attach it to the arm.

Friday, 5 November 2010

week 6

By recycling the drones used to catch the character controller, I've added drones along the corridors when the player is escaping the building. When a trigger point is passed a drone will follow the character and chase him. However atm it will only follow wherever the player goes as a proper chasing NPC requires AI scripting if i remember correctly according to the lecturer.